Pray the Holy Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and more Catholic prayers anytime, anywhere.

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Chaplets running on an iPhone
Chaplets running on an Apple TV, iPad, and iPhone.


Chaplets and Rosary is available free on the App Store (for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV), Google Play for Android, and the Amazon appstore for Fire tablets.

You can also use it online or install it as a web app in supported browsers.

Download on the App StoreDownload on the App StoreGet it on Google PlayAvailable at the Amazon Appstore
iOS and iPadOS:2.3.0
Apple TV:2.3.0
Apple Watch:2.3.0
Amazon Fire:2.3.0

Designed to be Different

With no virtual beads, ornate embellishments, beeps, or blips, Chaplets and Rosary is designed to be simple, beautiful, and unobtrusive so you can focus on prayer and not the app itself.

Chaplets showing the Rosary on an iPhone


Automatically recommends the traditional Rosary mystery for the day, plus popular alternatives for some liturgical seasons. And when you complete a novena day, the next will be recommended upon your return.


On iOS and macOS, you can configure prayer reminders with down to the minute precision.


Several beautiful images assist meditation.

Supports Dark Mode

Even if your device does not have a dark mode, we have you covered!

Second Display Compatible

Display the prayer, title, and image without any controls on another display.


Chaplets and Rosary has a comprehensive collection of settings and customizations.

One App, Many Prayers.

The following prayers are currently available.

    • Rosary (Standard 5 Decade)
    • 15 Decade Rosary
    • 20 Decade Rosary

    • Divine Mercy Chaplet
    • Chaplet of St. Michael
    • Chaplet for the Dead
    • Chaplet of the Infant Jesus of Prague

    • Divine Mercy Novena
    • Novena to the Holy Spirit

    • The Angelus
    • The Divine Praises

    • The Litany of Loreto

Chaplets showing the Chaplet of the Infant Jesus of Prague, running on an Apple Watch

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Please include the app version as well as your device type, model, and operating system version.